35 boulevard saint Martin. Republic,Paris France

Hair Treatment

The climate of where you live, the lifestyle you have and the daily choices you make to create different hairstyles can cause damaged, dry and dull hair. Damaged hair is more than split ends and if not treated on time it can escalate and result in breakage and hair loss. Therefore, it’s incredibly important to take good care of your hair and treat it with natural and high-quality products to keep it healthy and avoid extensively damaged hair.

If you have frizzy, dry, dull or damaged hair, don’t despair, because with proper hair care and quality treatments our hairstylists help you restore and even improve to smooth and shiny hair. At Black and White Salon, we offer an impressive range of hair treatments to recover damaged hair but also to maintain and protect your beautiful locks against damage caused by the weather, stress or chemical products. We provide 7 amazing hair treatments to meet our client’s needs and lifestyle to treat damaged or frizzy hair, whether it’s caused environmentally or chemically. The products we use at Black and White Salon are completely safe and certified. Our experienced hairstylists are trained in recognizing hair types and degrees of damaged hair and ready to provide you with professional advice that suits your needs and lifestyle.

black and white saloon in paris, france
black and white saloon in paris, france

Online Reservations

For more information about our services, feel free to give us a call at +33753615412 You can also drop us an email at info@blackandwhitesaloon.com or fill in our online contact form, and our team will get back in touch with you as soon as possible.
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